An honour that her late husband Rob Paxton would have gladly taken up for the Doric Lodge 455, Mr. Paxton’s widow Ursula, right, wearing her late husband’s clan tartan, reads the Ode to the Haggis during the Robbie Burns Dinner held January 25 at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 177 in Little Current and hosted by the Doric Lodge. Following the ode Ms. Paxton carved into the ‘great chieftain o’ the puddin’ race’ and raised a glass of Scotch to the Scottish delicacy. Those present got to enjoy some haggis too, as well as a roast beef dinner courtesy of the Legion and the Burt Farm. Joining Ms. Paxton is, from left, Beth Forsyth, Margaret and Roy Eaton at the head table. Missing from head table is Brent Forsyth.
photo by Alicia McCutcheon