The ‘little guy’ should be granted the same tax breaks as corporations
To the Expositor:
We are still a democracy, right?
Well now, if that is really true don’t, we the people, deserve a little fairness and equality. Yep, I, myself think so. What about you?
Let me see now what the pecking order for Canadian governments is. Top dog the federal government, boss to number two provincial and or territorial governments to boss to number three is regional governments. Boss to number four, municipal governments. Boss to, yes you guessed it, you and me, the little guy the citizen, the taxpayer.
Now that you’ve got this far without falling asleep. You are probably wondering where is this all going.
The answer plain and simple. New Years big and I mean big resolution. It is gosh darn Jiminy Cricket about time we demand our rights if we are still a democracy. It is time to tell our elected officials at all levels that hey, you know what? Businesses and corporations got to deduct their municipal taxes from their federal taxable income.
We need to demand. Yes, demand that we the little guy as private citizens be given equal treatment as businesses and corporations.
The feds need to allow for private citizens to deduct their municipal taxes from their federal taxable income. I think that’s fair, don’t you?
If you agree please contact your elected officials at all levels (especially the federal) and say do what is right and treat us little people fair and equal.
They all say they want to represent us and make life better for us. Well, now it’s time to put up or shut up.
Michael S. Loker
Cambridge, Ontario
P.S. Out veterans died for democracy and fairness. It’s time our elected officials remember that and give us a fair deal.